While eating healthy is essential for both the sexes, men and women have different dietary requirements. Here are some foods that every woman must include in her diet.
Why: Ounce for ounce, berries have more protective plant antioxidants than almost any other food. “These compounds not only lower your disease risks, they help prevent memory loss,” says Somer.
How Much: Aim for a cup of berries — any berries, fresh or frozen — at least three times a week (berry researchers say eat a cup daily). Since berries are high in fill-you-up fiber, they may also help curb weight gain.
Why: Sure, salmon is a prime source of omega-3s, the healthy fats that fend off heart disease and maybe more, but are you aware that a mere 3 ounces of the fish serves up 170% of your daily vitamin B12 and more than 80% of your D.
How Much: Aim for two servings a week (and if you substitute tuna for one serving, that’s okay).
Leafy Greens
Why: It’s almost impossible to meet your nutritional needs without eating dark leafy greens, from spinach and romaine to collard greens and chard. They’re huge sources of fiber; vitamins C and K; folic acid (a B vitamin that guards the heart and memory and fights birth defects); lutein, a vision protector; and four essential minerals: calcium, magnesium, iron, and potassium.
How Much: Two servings a day — and the darker, the better.
Whole Grains
Why: They have up to 96% more fiber, magnesium, zinc, chromium, and vitamins E and B6 than refined grains. This nutritional powerhouse helps prevent the same health problems that refined grains help cause: heart disease, cancer, diabetes, hypertension, and even obesity. How Much: Ideally, all of the six daily grain servings you need should be whole, unrefined grains, but aim for at least three.
Why: They’re excellent sources of protein, magnesium, and B and E vitamins — trusty fighters in the war against heart disease and cancer. Yes, nuts are high in fat calories, but their fat is the heart-healthy kind. Replace junky snacks with them and you won’t gain an ounce. How Much: Up to five small fistfuls a week (roughly 1/4 cup or about 15–20 almonds, cashews, walnuts, or pecans).
Golden Veggies
Why: Just one serving of fiber-filled, deep-yellow-orange vegetables supplies five times the beta carotene you need daily to lower your cancer risk, defend against colds and other infections, and protect your skin from sun damage. The potassium in these veggies also keeps your heartbeat in sync and your blood pressure down.
How Much: Aim for two half-cup servings a day, the equivalent of one sweet potato, 12 canned apricot halves, or a cup of butternut squash or carrots.
Why: Low- or no-fat plain yogurt is a terrific source of B vitamins, protein, calcium and — if it has active cultures — the healthy bacteria known as probiotics, which crowd out disease-causing germs.
How Much: Four or more cups a week, if this is your main dairy source.
How: Cut back on sugar and calories by choosing plain yogurt and adding fruit, especially berries, and some granola.
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