For many people, glowy, blemish-free skin is the goal. But clogged pores can and do happen, directly working against your efforts towards a clear complexion.
Unfortunately, clogged pores are common, and they can happen anywhere on your body, including your face, chest, neck, and back. They just tend to be most noticeable on your face. So finding treatment options and ways to prevent blemishes from occurring are so important for your healthiest skin.
But what causes clogged pores in the first place, and what can you do to get rid of them? Dermatologists break down treatment options and ways to prevent pores from clogging in the first place.
What causes clogged pores?
– Having dry skin or skin that produces extra skin cells
– Using facial products, like cleansers, lotions, or cosmetics
– Taking medications that change how much oil your glands produce
– Having oily skin due to age, hormones, or genetics
– Using clothes, backpacks, helmets, or other garments or equipment that rub against your skin
– Being in humid conditions
– Being in pollution
– Having stress and anxiety
– Washing or scrubbing your skin too hard
How to get rid of clogged pores
Exfoliate your skin
Gentle exfoliation can be helpful in unclogging the pores. We can never get rid of our pores because they serve an important purpose of delivering oil from oil glands to the skin to keep the skin moist, but unclogging them can improve their visual appearance.
Use certain topical medications. Those should include ingredients like salicylic acid, glycolic acid, and retinoids.
“Retinoids decrease sebum production and enhance cell turnover. Salicylic acid and glycolic acid can also help unclog pores and improve their appearance. Look for products that are non-comedogenic and hypoallergenic to help in your skincare routine.
How to prevent clogged pores
Many of the methods for treating clogged pores pertain to prevention as well. So there are only a few extra steps you need to take to avoid future skin concerns:
Avoid touching your face. You do your best to keep your hands off your face and doing your best to avoid touching your skin more than necessary.
Steer clear of rich products. Avoid heavy creams or additional oils as this may exacerbate rather than prevent clogging.
How to get rid of clogged pores