We all have bad hair habits, most likely because we didn’t know any better, but after reading some of the common bad habits many are guilty of below, you won’t have an excuse to continue doing these any more.
Using Old Combs & Brushes
Don’t let your hair pile up in your hair brush, this can be a breeding ground for germs and bacteria. Make sure to clean the hair out every week, and deep clean your hair brush once a month.
Tip: Clean your hair brush or comb with baking soda and water, this will remove oil and product that builds up over time.
Applying Too Many Chemicals
Artificial chemicals are bad for your body, and your hair is no exception. If you’re coloring, getting keratin treatments, or relaxing your hair more often than you should, you are probably doing more damage than good. Make sure to keep any chemical processes or treatments down to a minimum, and your hair will begin to look and feel better and stronger.
Tip: If you have to get chemical treatments, establish a routine that involves preemptive care, like applying a hair mask a couple days before your treatment. You can also use a hair cover up on your roots so you don’t have to get your hair colored as often!
Going Too Long Without A Haircut
If you want healthy hair, make sure you’re getting regular trims to avoid split ends. Split ends can move up the hair shaft until you not only have split ends but a completely damaged hair shaft, which eventually leads to weakened locks and even hair thinning.
Tip: The right trim is ½ inch each month, or every other month if you are trying to grow your hair longer.