Is your sleep ageing you?

A good sleep is always co-related to healthy skin, but what if it’s doing the opposite! Our sleeping positions can take a toll on the skin and cause acne, wrinkles. The signs can be puffy eyes, acne and flatter cheek only on one side. The way we sleep truly reflects on our look and the position can affect the skin.
How does sleeping with a pillow affect your skin?
Sleeping on your back is always a good way to sleep. Maintaining the 20-30-degree angle allows better fluid drainage in the body. However, many choose to sleep on the side or on their stomach. This pushes the face into the pillowcases, which has bacteria or even the creams or any product we have used on our face. The best solution is to clean pillowcases on a frequent basis, as it can cause zits or even rashes.
How does sleeping on your stomach affect your skin?
Many people love to sleep this way, but it’s the worst way to sleep for anyone. As when we sleep, our skin needs to breathe. This position pushes the whole face into the pillow, which obstructs the skin’s follicles. This causes clogged pores, acne, and lines. We don’t allow enough circulation in this position, the pressure also causes puffy eyes and under eye bags. Your facial structure gets pressed against pillow every night for 8 hours—that’s a lot of pressure for your skin. Eventually, this position can make your face flatter and trigger wrinkles. To avoid all this, one should not sleep in this position.
How does sleeping on your side affect your skin?
This position causes less damage to the skin than the stomach position. However, this isn’t the ideal position either. When you sleep on your side, you put tremendous pressure on one side. It flattens the cheekbone and triggers wrinkles on the side because of all the friction and pressure. Also, if you have applied any skincare product, the product might spread on the pillow and not get absorbed by your skin.
How does sleeping on your back affect your skin?
Sleeping on the back is an ideal position for sleeping! First, you are not applying much pressure on your facial skin; this will cause fewer fine lines, less flattening of the facial contours and will make your skin younger and smoother. In comparison to sleeping on the side or on the stomach, fluid won’t accumulate around your eyes making them puffy. Also, your face won’t touch the pillowcase, avoiding the back-and-forth exchange of oils, dirt, and grime. This will prevent skin irritation or zits.

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