Reasons why couples end their marriage

Sometimes marriages work, and sometimes they don’t. There are many causes of divorce. And often, an accumulation of things will cause a marriage to break down. Here are some of the real reasons why couples get divorced, according to relationship experts.


An article from Psychology Today discusses studies that found infidelity as a top reason marriages end in divorce. Cheating may be the main cause of a divorce, or it could be the result of other problems in the relationship. Either way, couples may never get past an infidelity because it causes so much pain and a lack of trust.


Incompatibility in marriage is a leading cause for divorce, according to studies mentioned in Psychology Today. People grow and change over time. And as the years go by and the honeymoon phase has long passed, couples may no longer share the same interests, values, and plans in life.

Lack of commitment

According to a Business Insider article, participants in two studies cited a lack of commitment as a reason for divorce. A lack of commitment occurs when one or both spouses are no longer willing to work on their relationship. If only one spouse, or neither, is making an effort to maintain a healthy, happy marriage, then that marriage will likely end.

Spousal abuse

Abuse can come in many forms. And it’s one of the leading reasons that marriages end in divorce, according to Marni Feuerman, a licensed clinical social worker and marriage and family therapist. Spouses who endure physical, emotional, verbal, or economic abuse feel scared, powerless, and unhappy in their marriage.

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