Reasons why you should drink coffee everyday

Most people will tell you that coffee is bad for you. Yet there isn’t a complete consensus around whether your cup of coffee is good or bad. Here we bring some happy news for coffee lovers – based on popular researches, we bring you reasons you must have it.

Coffee makes you smarter

The active ingredient in coffee is caffeine. Caffeine provides a stimulus-barrier benefit. This means that if you are working in a noisy and chaotic environment, coffee can significantly help you concentrate by lowering your sensory sensitivity to distractions.

Coffee helps you burn fat

You must have heard of people having black coffee before a workout. Sipping coffee before a workout is believed to help your body burn more calories and fat. Caffeine is also believed to improve athletic performance by mobilizing fatty acids from fat tissues.

Coffee lowers risk of diabetes

In observational studies, coffee has been repeatedly associated with a lower risk of diabetes. The reduction in risk ranges from 23 per cent all the way up to 67 per cent.

Coffee lowers your risk of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s

Alzheimer’s disease is the most common neurodegenerative disorder in the world and a leading cause of Dementia. Certain researches claim that coffee may play a role in protecting your brain in old age.

Coffee may be extremely good for your liver

Do you have alcoholic drinks often? Coffee may come to your rescue. Liver is extremely sensitive to modern abuse such as excessive consumption of alcohol and fructose. Multiple studies have shown that coffee can lower the risk of liver cirrhosis by as much as 80 per cent.

Coffee may decrease your risk of premature death

Several studies have shown that when people drink coffee, they have a lower risk of dying from a range of serious diseases.

Coffee is loaded with nutrients and antioxidants

While many of the nutrients in coffee beans do make it into the final drink, you must know that coffee contains Vitamin B5, Vitamin B2, Niacin B3, Thiamine B1, potassium and manganese. This isn’t all. It also contains a big amount of antioxidants.

Coffee aroma has stress-busting qualities

Not only in protecting your brain, coffee may also be helping reduce emotional and physical stress. Its effect on neurotransmitters may help your body fight off symptoms of stress and stress-related diseases.

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