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Women Don’t Let ego ruin your relationship

You might not be aware but your ego may be getting in the way or worse, actively destroying your relationship with your loved ones. There is a thin line of difference between what is called self esteem and ego.
Ego has a negative connotation to it. It is the feeling of supreme. It is an attitude of thinking ourselves superior to others. Ego blocks the mind as it gives lot of importance to one’s own self and rejecting other personalities and point of views. On the contrary self esteem has the feelings of confidence and self assurance. While in ego the associated feeling is of insecurity and fear.
Therefore it is important to not let ego get in the way and ruin our friendships, love life and family relationships. This can be done by:-
Understanding your own true self
At the bottom of letting go of or controlling your ego is being aware about your true self. Question yourself, what do you love most about yourself? What do you value most? Mind you, this would not easy and will take time, but learn to understand and know your self-worth. Identify your core values and your goals. Don’t let others get in the way of that, and you’ll realize that your ego need not be destructive.
Remember that you don’t
have to be always right
It’s okay to be wrong. No one is perfect. There are always going to be situations where you make a wrong call, have a wrong attitude, or simply on the wrong side. Learn to understand these situations, and not be afraid to admit that you are wrong. It may be difficult in the beginning, but being able to admit when you’re wrong gives a sense of freedom.
Overcome the need to be better
than everyone else
An ego out of control leads you to think that you are better than everyone else. Just like remembering that you don’t have to be right all the time, understand that you needn’t be superior to everyone around you. There will always be someone better, more beautiful, smarter, faster. From infanthood to adulthood, this has always been the case.
Instead of competing with others in this way, why not think of making yourself better instead? Focus on how you can improve yourself, and your relationships will fall into place.
Practice tolerance with determination
A huge ego is easily offended, which can easily lead to arguments and even a breakup. In order to let go of your ego, you have to consciously practice tolerance and make it a point to make getting offended the last thing on your mind.
This does not mean that you put aside your sense of self-worth. Instead, it is creating a mindset that people may be different from you and have different ways of expressing themselves.
Practice contentment
Lastly you should set your mind to being content with what you have. Having this mindset can help you cover all of the points above. Knowing that you have what you need, will help you be more open to what others will say and understand how they behave.

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