LONDON (TIP):India‘s flagship culturalcentre in London – theNehru Centre, is facing asevere cash crunch.Budgetary allocation tothe centre – the culturalarm of the Indian HighCommission, with theresponsibility ofportraying India’scultural heritage hasbeen steadily dippingover the past three years.In 2011, allocation by theministry of externalaffairs (MEA) was nearlyRs 5 crores which dippedto Rs 3.6 crores thefollowing year. Theallocation for 2012-13ended up even lesser ataround Rs 3.4 crores.Minister (culture) at theIndian High Commissionin London SangeetaBahadur said, “We havebeen told by the MEA toexpect a further 40% cutin allocations this year.”
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