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Myanmar Protest: Probe Alleges Police Used White Phosphorus

YANGON (TIP): Anindependent investigationsays white phosphoruscaused the severe burnsmonks and other protesterssuffered when Myanmarpolice broke up theirprotest at a mine inNovember.Lawyer Aung Thein saida laboratory found traces ofthe chemical on canistersleft by police and recoveredafterward.He was not directlyinvolved in theinvestigation but signed thereport on the findings.

Thereport has been forwardedto the governmentappointedpanel headed byopposition leader Aung SanSuu Kyi that isinvestigating the matter.White phosphorus is anincendiary agent generallyused in war to create smokescreens. Guidance on itsuse against people directlyis conflicting.Presidential spokesmanYe Htut declined tocomment on the findingstoday.Protesters occupied theLetpadaung mine project innorthwestern Myanmar for11 days.

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