LONDON (TIP): One in every four births in UK in 2013 happened to mothers born outside the UK.
Britain has seen its population grow by almost half a million last year to 64.5 million.
Net international migration of 259,700 people in the year to mid-2014 (582,600 international migrants arrived in the UK and 322,900 migrants left the UK to live abroad) was the largest contributor to population growth.
The net international migration accounted for 53% of the change, followed by natural change (the balance of births minus deaths) of 226,200 accounting for 46% of the change, with other changes of 5,200 making up the remaining increase of 1%.
Latest estimates say “Net international migration in the year to mid-2014 is the highest since the year to mid-2011 and up by 76,300 from 183,400 last year. The median age of the population (the age at which half the population is younger and half the population is older) at mid- 2014 was 40 years – the highest ever estimated. The number and proportion of older people continues to rise, with over 11.4 million (17.7% of the population) aged 65 and over in mid-2014, up from 11.1 million (17.4%) last year”.
“International migration inflow is at its highest since the year to mid-2011, though both international migration inflow and outflow are still below the average for the period. Comparing the latest population estimates for mid-2014 with the mid-2013 estimates shows that the population of England increased by 450,800 to 54,316,600 accounting for 84% of the UK’s population; England’s population grew more quickly than any other UK country during the year the population of Scotland increased by 19,900 to 5,347,600 and accounts for 8% of the UK’s population”.
“The population of Wales increased by 9,600 to 3,092,000 and accounts for 5% of the UK’s population. The population of Northern Ireland increased by 10,800 to 1,840,500 and accounts for 3% of the UK’s population”.
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