OSLO (TIP): Norwegian leaders joined with ambassadors and representatives of 21 nations for the dedication ceremony of the statue of “Dreamer of World- Peace” Sri Chinmoy and The Eternal Peace-Flame at the worldfamous Holmenkollen ski area overlooking Norway’s capital city. This is one of sixteen statues in more than 10 countries. Peace activist Mr. Christian Ringnes who enabled the stunning event stated, “The vision of India born Sri Chinmoy and what he stood for are universal. They are linked to the brotherhood amongst humanity.
Our good friend Sri Chinmoy is standing here, looking out and inspiring the whole world to hold hands together and to bring peace.” Earlier this month, photos of the third such statue of Sri Chinmoy in Prague partially submerged in water during the recent serious flooding of the city became a symbol of hope and oneness for millions. It was seen on many national television programs and front-page news stories. Ambassador of South Africa Her Excellency Queen Anne Zondo spoke on behalf of the entire diplomatic corps present – and all offered in silence their loving prayers for President Mandela. Mr. Pal Moen, former Director of Ports said, “There are people throughout the world who are struggling for peace, We have to start with a vision and with inspiration-and then we have to follow-up with action.
Then there will be peace.” In just a few words, this is the philosophy of Sri Chinmoy, a tireless innovator for peace who founded the global Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run, wrote more than 1600 books, and traveled the globe to share India’s ancient message that “We are all members of a oneness-world-family. When we feel that we are brothers and sisters with the same hopes and dreams, then we shall not quarrel and fight. We shall work together to create a peaceful happiness-home.” (Press Release by Ashok Parulekar +91 98 9062 7118. Visit www.srichinmoy.org)
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