ISLAMABAD (TIP): Amidst strain inbilateral ties arising out of ceasefireviolations, Pakistan today said it wantsto resolve all issues with India,including tensions along the Line ofControl, through talks as dialogue isthe best way to address such matters.Islamabad wants to sort out allissues with New Delhi, particularlyceasefire violations along the LoC,Foreign Office spokesman MoazzamKhan told a weekly news briefing.The remarks came in the backdropof two Indo-Pak engagements been putoff this month.There are concerns on both sides butthe best way is to resolve issuesthrough dialogue, Khan said inresponse to a question about tensionson the LoC.”There is an established mechanismand Pakistan has been urging India toresolve the issue through thatmechanism,” Khan said.He reiterated that Pakistan desiresto resolve all issues with India throughtalks and in a constructive manner asdialogue is the best way to addresssuch matters.Tensions between India andPakistan increased following a stringof clashes between troops along the742-km LoC earlier this month.
Two India soldiers were killed in theworst violations of the ceasefire thatwas put in place in late 2003.Pakistan has claimed that three ofits soldiers were also killed.
The scheduled January-end Indo-PakSecretary-level meeting on waters,including differences over the Tulbulnavigation project in Jammu andKashmir, had been cancelled ove whatofficials in New Delhi said was”scheduling issues”.Earlier, Pakistan CommerceMinister Makhdoom Amin Fahimcalled off a scheduled visit to India toattend a business meet later thismonth in Agra.