LONDON (TIP): Climbing 95 floors in 43 seconds flat? Even Usain Bolt couldn’t do that. The world’s fastest elevators with a speed of 72 km/hour is coming up in China. Until today the record holder for speedy elevation was held by the lift in the Tapei 101 building in Taiwan which travels at 37.7 mph and reaches its top floor in just 30 seconds.
However on Wednesday, Hitachi in Britain has announced that the ultra-high-speed elevator that will climb 95 floors in 43 seconds is being built at the Guangzhou CTF Finance Centre (530 meters tall) currently under construction in Guangzhou, China. The elevator will be unveiled in 2016. The 1,200 m/min ultra-high-speed elevator that Hitachi will deliver will feature both the drive power needed to attain the world’s fastest speed and also reliable control capabilities.
The elevator will travel a shaft height of 440 from the 1st to 95th floor in approximately 43 seconds. Furthermore, Hitachi will achieve both high-speed elevator operation and a safe, comfortable ride by using braking equipment that safely bring the elevator to a stop. A new technology will also prevent lateral vibration to reduce the sensation of ear blockage caused by air pressure differences.
In 1968, Hitachi developed Japan‘s fastest elevator at the time, with a speed of 300 m/min. The first commercial passenger elevator was installed by the Otis Elevator Company in 1857 in New York City, climbing at a then-staggering rate of 40 feet per minute
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