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NEW DELHI (TIP):Will Motorola ride the on-ground network of new parent Lenovo for a deeper push into the Indian smartphone market? Soon to be part of Lenovo’s business after the Chinese company bagged it from tech giant Google, Motorola does not plan to enter the mainline retail market on its own for the moment, rather relying on its exclusive partnership with Indian e-retail giant Flipkart for sale of its devices.

Flipkart has been the exclusive partner for selling Motorola’s phones — the Moto G and Moto X — and the company plans to continue with the arrangement in future. “We are happy with the current set-up and will continue to maintain the exclusive relationship with Flipkart,” Marcus Frost, senior marketing director for Motorola Mobility’s Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA) as well as Asia-Pacific (APAC) regions, said.

He said Motorola Mobility does not intend to move out of the e-retail format. “We have no plans for that,” Frost said when asked whether Motorola plans to sell its phones through the numerous multi-brand handset retail shops spread across the length and breadth of the country. Asked whether the company can ride on the retail channel of Lenovo (that is already selling phones and tablets in India through a variety of multi-brand shops) as part of striking synergies between the two brands, he said, “It is still to be decided… We look at all the possibilities all the time.”

Pressed further on the possibility of a tie-up, Frost said, “Anything can happen.” Hints of a wider synergistic play between the two companies were given by none other than Yang Yuanqing, chairman and CEO of Lenovo immediately after he announced the deal with Google. “Motorola and Lenovo are competitive in different areas.

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