In a viral video circulating on social media, an Israeli lynch mob is filmed beating a refugee to death at the Beersheba bus station, mistaking him for a Palestinian attacker.
On Sunday night, a Palestinian armed with a pistol and a knife killed an IDF soldier and wounded 10 others at the bus station. Even though the attacker was killed by police, Haftom Zarhum, a 29-year-old Eritrean refugee trying to get his visa, was singled out by an Israeli lynch mob. After an IDF soldier shot him, video shows the mob beating Zarhum, who lay bleeding on the floor with his arms over his head while being kicked in the head repeatedly. One Israeli picked up a bench at the bus station and dropped it on Zarhum’s head.
According to Israeli police, the original attacker, identified as 21-year-old Muhand Alukabi, was killed around 7:30 PM local time, though they were still looking for possible accomplices several hours later. That was when a group of Israelis singled out Zarhum for lynching.
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